Strawberry Dusted White Chocolate Truffle

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

Here is a sweetness only on Valentine’s Day! My girl and I have recently loved and I loved a little white chocolate, that delicious creamy delicacy is so sexy!

This is what led us to do white chocolate truffles. Seriously, truffles are so easy to make and so super yummile. Easy and delicious, my favorite food combination of all time! And what could be better combined with the white chocolate of strawberries, love?! So here it is, our white chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberry is totally something to fall in love with!
White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

Start with a little white chocolate. We have just used a white chocolate bar that we received from the supermarket, but you could absolutely get a better quality chocolate at the cooking store, but it will cost you more. The important thing here is cutting the chocolate quite well. If you leave large pieces, the chocolate does not melt when mixed with the hot cream (See the next step).

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

Truffles are extremely easy to make. The first time I made them I was shocked. As it was possible that I did not know that this delicacy was so easily achieved!

Heat the cream until it boils. Pour the chopped chocolate and remove from the heat. Cover and leave sit for a couple of minutes. Then mix until the chocolate is melted.

At this point it is time to add a delicious drop of your favorite liqueur to amplify the flavor of chocolate even more. I used some Grand Marnier flavored orange But you feel free to replace your favorite liqueur. Oooo … I love a little alcohol flavored in my chocolate!
White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

The next step is to vigorously whip the mixture of chocolate cream. You can use a whisk brought or an immersion blender (as in the photo above). Party until thick, smooth and shiny.

Let the mixture cool. Once cooled to the room of room temperature in the refrigerator until it is quite stopped to form in balls.

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

When quite still shapes the white chocolate in balls. My chocolate was still a little soft at this point as you can see in the photo, and therefore my balls came out a little Goopey. No problem we form the best you can and then relax again. Or maybe try the freezer for a short time. You want the balls to be tuned enough to be able to roll them further into more orderly balls.

While the chocolate is firming, it is time to prepare the fabulous strawberry powder with which we will dust our truffles. How do we get strawberry powder? Quite easy nowadays like Dried strawberries with freezing They are easily available!

When the fruit is dried, their flavors are not only kept but intensified! So all the aroma and taste of Yummile strawberries are super packaged in strawberry powder that you create when they dust the strawberries dry in a hand blender. We will use the succulent strawberry powder resulting to cover our truffles!

PssstYou can also use this strawberry powder to flavor all types of baked goods and fillings.

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

Now for a small jump in the future: a peek at our truffle finished so that we can introduce the next steps. Here you can see a creamy white chocolate truffle sprinkled with a wonderfully red coating of aromatic strawberry powder. Also note the Secret Strawberry Center, a crispy strawberry explosion in every bite!

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

What are these secret centers made in our truffles? Like dust, the centers are made with dried strawberries with freezing! Cut the crunchy dried fruits in pieces in care that will adapt inside the truffles. Interesting trick, right?

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies

Bring the refrigerated balls now and press a piece of dried strawberry with freezing in the middle of each. Roll the balls smooth between the palms of the hands.

Once they circulate (remember that truffles can be disordered and are still beautiful) downloading the balls filled with strawberry in strawberry powder. Mix until the truffle is completely sprinkled with dust.

The white chocolate truffles sprinkled with strawberry are finished! And, Boy-O-Boy, which combination of food made in paradise, creamy white chocolate with sweet and slightly harsh strawberries! Sooo nommy and yummy! And the perfect surprise for a treasure! Happy Saint Valentine’s!

White chocolate truffle sprinkled with strawberries, strawberry, truffle, recipe, white chocolate, rage dried fruit, dried strawberry, candies, candies
Spolverato white chocolate truffle

(Fa 20 pieces) Preparation time: 15 minutes cold weather: 2 hours cook time: 1 minute



Prepare the white chocolate: Cut the chocolate into very small pieces. Heat the cream in the pot over low heat until the cream boils. Add all the chocolate. Remove from the heat and cover. Leave to sit for 2 minutes. Mix until the chocolate is melted. Whisk vigorously until the mixture of chocolate cream is smooth and shiny.

Leave to cool at room temperature. Cover and cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours or until the mixture is firm enough to form on the balls. Shape in balls (They could be disordered balls at this point) and put on a tray. Cover and refrigerate to cool a little more while preparing the coating and truffle centers.

Prepare the powder coating: Reserves three strawberries. Put all the other strawberries in the blender by hand and dust up to form a dust.

Tip: When checking the strawberries they do not immediately open the blender after having blitz. Wait a minute or down until the dust is deposited.

Prepare the Truffle centers: Use a sharp knife to gently cut each of the strawberries reserved in 8 pieces. Bring the white chocolate balls from the refrigerator and insert a piece of strawberries in the center of each one, then roll in the palms in a reform in a ball.

Sprinkle the truffles: Place each full truffle in strawberry powder and roll until the truffle is completely covered. Repeat for all truffles, placing each truffle finished in a cup of candies or on a slightly part tray from each other.

Keep the cold until it is ready to eat. Let it arrive at room temperature before eating. Enjoy love!

Warehouses: Keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks or in the freezer for a maximum of 2 months.

Cast, madly chocolate with Hong Kong cuisine:


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